Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • Overview

    • Learning Objectives

  • 2

    Artificial Intelligence and WPS

    • What is Artificial Intelligence?

    • AI in the Context of Gender, Peace, and Security

    • Three Lenses for AI and the WPS Agenda

    • AI for Conflict

    • Neutral AI

    • Reflection: Filter Bubbles

    • AI for Peace

    • Artificial Intelligence for Peacebuilders

  • 3

    Artificial Intelligence Case Studies

    • Reflection - AI and WPS

    • Case Studies

    • Case Studies on AI for Peacebuilding

    • Impact and Risk of Artificial Intelligence

    • Impact and Risk of AI for the WPS Agenda

    • Reflection: Gender Bias in Artificial Intelligence

    • WPS by Design

    • Policy Solutions for AI and the WPS Agenda

    • Policy Solutions for AI and the WPS Agenda

    • WPS by Design Worksheet

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    End of Module Quiz

    • Summary

    • End of Module Quiz